Contributions (weekends and Holy Days) $1,517,201
Restriced Revenue
* CSA Envelops - Restricted to Direct Aid $49,647
* Debt Reduction Envelope $32,650
* Outreach fundraisers (Bazaar, Garage Sale, etc.) $14,316
* Annual Appeal Rebate $19,755
* Youth Mission & Activities Fundraisers $8,653
Special Collections
* U.S. Needy and Social Concerns $16,190
* Foreign Missions: Collections & Fundraisers $95,593
Fees and other revenues
* Education Fees & Charges $58,995
* Liturgy fees, stock gifts $92,405
* Interest earnings, rentals & misc $31,911
Outreach Ministries
* Direct Aid, Outreach & Social Concerns $117464
* Foreign Missions 95,593
Liturgy and Care
* Clergy & Pastoral Care 135,196
* Liturgy & Worship 115,523
Teaching Ministries
* Youth & Family Ministries 282,057
* Adult Evang/Communications 97,563
* Catholic School support 108,787
Community Building
* Parish Life 14,716
Support for Archdiocese & Poor Parishes
* Archdiocesan Support 108,995
* Assistance to poor parishes and deanery Hispanic ministries 22,539
Operations, Maintenance and Debt
* Ministry support services, finance and administration
* Facilities, Insurance, Prop taxes 427,394
* Debt paydown 269,332
* Drawn from Reserves - Facilities & Outreach 183,713
*Drawn from Reserves - Facilities & Outreach -$41,555
$ 1,937,317