Janet Stewart
[email protected]
The most important qualities of those who serve at Mass are a loving reverence for Jesus in the Eucharist and in the Word, and a humble, generous heart for service to the community. Many different gifts and talents are employed by the various liturgical ministers. Leaders of each ministry assist volunteers in discerning and developing their gifts.
Serving at the altar, in close proximity to Jesus in the Eucharist, is a great honor. Children and youth from 3th grade and up may serve at Mass by assisting the Priest and ensuring the liturgy runs smoothly. Altar Servers must have received First Communion and should desire to serve apart from the wishes of their parents. While our young people are the primary servers, adults may also serve at funerals, weddings, and other liturgies as needed; and as Team Leaders – offering encouragement, training, and support to our young people. There are many opportunities to serve at weekend Mass, daily Mass, and special liturgies. Training is offered throughout the year.
Audio Visual Team members support parish liturgy and music by operating the video-projection system in the main church during Mass and special events. Duties are easy to learn for those with basic computer literacy and training is provided.
Rosanna Liliequist
The purpose of the Environment Ministry is to enhance Sunday and other liturgies through the use of environmental elements such as banners, lights, ribbons, flowers, and other props. Christmas and Easter are the busiest times of year for our environment volunteers. Tasks are varied and include arranging props and flowers, hanging large and small items, sewing and ironing, set up, tear down, and storage. Membership is open to anyone who has the time and interest in making our worship space beautiful. Able-bodied persons are always needed for tasks that involve lifting and climbing ladders.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) hold a position of honor and privilege: assisting the Priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Jesus to the community during Mass. Often times this proximity to Jesus leads to a deeper understanding of the liturgy and growth in love for Jesus in the Eucharist. The time commitment for Eucharistic Ministers includes 20 minutes both prior to and after Mass, once per month. Eucharistic Ministers must be a confirmed Catholic. This ministry is open to responsible teens and adults who are willing to make a monthly commitment and who are physically capable of performing the required duties. Training is provided throughout the year.
Jane Gootherts 206-229-6778 [email protected]
Jesus began His ministry by greeting the Apostles with an invitation to “Come and See!” Every time we come to worship God, we have the opportunity to extend the same greeting “Come and See!” Each church community represents the family of God, the Body of Christ, and as such, we welcome everyone to our home of worship. As a St Stephen’s greeter, we welcome each person into our community. Greeting is
needed before and after every Mass and worship service. Anyone can greet – families, couples, or individuals are welcome to participate. The time commitment is flexible — whatever service you attend can be an opportunity to serve. As a greeter you participate with God in
extending His love to each person who enters St. Stephen’s to worship in the Mass. This is a great way to establish long lasting relationships and build community at St. Stephen’s.
Bill McJannet, 253-630-4201, [email protected]
Being a lector is a once-a-month commitment to proclaim the scripture readings to our church community. Lectors grow in relationship with scripture, which leads to a deepening of faith. Lectors strive to read the scripture passage in such a way that it is heard as a living word for those at Mass. Each Mass has two lectors. Each lector reads one of the readings; we also read the prayers of the faithful if there is not a
deacon at that mass. We ask that each lector prayerfully reflect on the scripture readings each day for a week leading up to the day they proclaim the reading. Being a lector is open to anyone 18 years or older, male or female. An hour of training is provided – typically on Saturday morning but can be adjusted to meet any schedule.
The Ushers Ministry builds community by extending welcome and hospitality at Mass and other liturgical events. The Ushers prepare the Worship spaces by unlocking doors. They assist the presider as needed, take up the collection, find “Gift Bearers” to bring up the Gifts, and after Masses they hand out Bulletins and tidy up the pews. Additionally the Ushers charter the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venture Scouts
on behalf of St. Stephen’s Parish and they work on Church grounds and facilities when requested. Membership is open to all members of the Parish age 12 and older. The Ushers Ministry is a great opportunity to get to know the people of St. Stephen the Martyr and build up a sense of community.