Action * |
Agenda # | Speaker: | Topic: |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Group Group Group Tom Erin Tom Tom Fr. Ed |
Notes: - Opening Prayer-Vision Prayer -Vision Review and sharing of How we Shared the Transforming Light of Christ -Reviewed this month's written reports -Thanked the Staff for completing the reports. Having the written reports if very helpful to guide discussions based on what is happening in parish life and brainstorming parish planning ideas. -Youth projects are a way to engage youth and give them a purpose and way to practice their beliefs -Lead reading and reflections of next weeks Gospel -Review of Vision Summit presentation and Vision Video with Fr. Ed 24 hr. praise and adoration Nov. 1st, a great opportunity for parish to praise Christ. With Liturgy of the Hours prayed. -Continuing to implement and grow Family of the Gospel Groups. |
Action * |
Agenda # | Speaker: | Topic: |
7-con 8 9 |
Fr. Ed Tom Fr. Ed |
-5 Foundational Ministries are doing Family of the Gospel and are being asked to invite 5 people to join them in a Family of the Gospel Group. -Fr. Ed has been spending at least a ½ hr with Debbie each week to review the youth program status and events -Next meeting- 11/13/19 7:30 pm. -Please attend mass at 6:30 if Possible -Blessing and closing prayer |