April 11, 2018
Opening Prayer and Welcome:
Ministry written reports reviewed: Evangelization/PA, Facilities and Grounds Bulletin Report, Youth Ministry.
Vision Team: Tom Jones reviewed our parish vision and 2018/pastoral priorities and reminded members to keep these in mind when discussing parish strategies. Tom and Father are sponsoring a Vision Communication Team to create a plan to communicate the Vision and Priorities to the Parish. Sponsorship Document and list of potential team members is in the works.
Gospel Reading: Next Sundays Gospel was read and reflected on by members
Father Ed Updates:
- Fr. Ed debriefed Holy Week. It was one of the most peaceful Father has experienced and enabled him to enjoy and pray the liturgy more deeply.
- This year’s RCIA candidates were well-engaged and well-prepared. Father felt he was able to spend more time with this group and enjoyed being with them and getting to know them more deeply than with past groups.
- Vocation promotions for young men and women continue
- First sacraments and confirmation are coming up in May
- Archdiocese Capital Campaign “Call to Serve” (pension funding) starts July 1.SSTM parish goal is $1.9 million over 3-5 years.15% goes back to the parish if goal is met.
- Phase ll of the Building Task Force will start soon with the hope that after 3 years, we can open a capital campaign to raise funds for assessed repairs and improvements.
Parish Priorities: Members started their discussions on Parish Priorities as time ran out on meeting. Discussions will be continued at next meeting with fist emphases being on Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Closing Prayer: We concluded with a closing prayer by Father Ed
Next Meeting: 5/09/2018 7-9 pm